
Based on the IT journey of Michael Rickert

Adding content to Uptime system monitoring software

I wanted to add a public status page to Uptime. A webpage where users and admins can both go to get a quick glance at server status information. Uptime currently uses applicationPortal as a basic version of a public status page but I wanted something with a clean look, twitter integration, and a more personal feel to it. So I’ve created a status.html page that can be added to uptime to allow non-admins to view server status in realtime at a glance.


All blacked out sections (for privacy reasons) are customizable by running a quick setup script that asks for some basic information (company name, twitter info, ect) and then copy’s a custom version of the webpage to the proper uptime folder. The webpage is written entirely in html and still uses applicationPortal for the status information.

download the tar.gz file from the below linked github page and place it in your home directory. Unzip the file and run ./install.sh. Answer the questions prompted by the script and then head on over to http://example.com/status.html ! where example.com is your uptime server. The script creates a backup of any modified files by tacking on a .backup extension on the original files.

You can find a complete list of the packaged files here: https://github.com/slacker87/uptimestatuspage

Please let me know if you find any bugs or have any issues, and enjoy your fancy new public status page!

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