
Based on the IT journey of Michael Rickert

Imaging windows on a mac

This post details how to capture a windows bootcamp partition installed on a mac to be restored on other macs running OS X while keeping the dual-boot option. What you’ll need: A windows bootable USB stick A second USB stick or external harddrive for the bootcamp image (32GB or larger) OS X with bootcamp version 5 or above USB 3.0…

Wifi Pineapple: Day 1, the gear

Picked myself up a wifi pineapple for wifi pentests and to get more experience with wifi security and applications. In this first post I’ll be going over the gear and how it works. For those that aren’t aware, a wifi pineapple is a computer security penetration testing device for wireless networks. When a wireless device attempts to locate a wifi…

Quick notes: Exchange 2010 manual maintenance mode

Have an issue with Exchange 2010 maintenance scripts not initializing? Want to manually place an exchange 2010 DAG node into maintenance mode? Here are the quick steps, entered in the exchange management console: 1. Make sure you have a healthy database: ‘Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus *’ (should see ‘Healthy’ somewhere in the output) 2. Move all databases off of the server to be…

Install and setup graylog2 on Ubuntu 12.04

My notes on how to install graylog2 on Ubuntu 12.04 as a syslog server, some basic knowledge of the install process/linux is recommended * First, install Ubuntu 12.04 server x64 and run as root: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade * install mongodb, add it to your apt-get sources list echo -e “deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/ubuntu-upstart dist 10gen\n” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-10gen.list * update apt-get:…

Raspberry Pi panic alarm system

Recently I’ve had to set up a way for a receptionist sitting at the front lobby to have access to a panic button that will email out an alert and also call out to a set of phone #s when pressed. With the popularity of the RaspPi and its inexpensive/easy to use linux system I decided that it would be…

SQL Error ‘Copy SQL Database user exists’

The Issue: When attempting to copy or replicate a mySQL database you recieve the error ‘Copy SQL database user exists’ The Cause: When copying the SQL database, if the user no longer exists but is still attached to the database security groups, an error will occur when attempting to copy the database and its files. The Fix: There are two…

Saving Outlook Toolbar changes on Windows Terminal Server

The Issue: When users edit the Quick Access Toolbar(QAT) in Microsoft office and specifically, Microsoft outlook the changes are lost on their next session logon. The Cause: By default Terminal Server roaming profiles has a group policy setting not to save any changes to the QAT on logoff by the user. The Fix:       Download the Microsoft Office GPO templates…

ArcServe and Quantum tape library driver fun

Just some notes on installing ArcServe 16 on a new server attached via SCSI to a Quantum tape drive: The issue: When first setting up the tape library in ArcServe under Devices, the Quantum Superloader tape library wasn’t showing up at all and the tape drive that was showing up was not accepting any commands. The Cause: A mixture of…